WHITWORTH HISTORICAL SOCIETY Membership Application / Renewal form I/we wish to become member/s of the Whitworth Historical Society I/we wish to renew my/our membership Single membership: £10 Double membership: £20 Title(s): __________ Name(s): _________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Post Code/Zip: ___________________ Country (if outside UK): ______________________ Telephone Number: __________________________ e-mail address: _____________________________________ In compliance with the Data Protection Act all membership details will only be held for society use, and will not be shared with any other 3rd parties or organisations without the member’s permission. Payments from overseas members should either be made by PayPal or by Direct Bank Transfer only, please contact the Membership Secretary at the address given below if you wish to use these methods. Total payment enclosed £_______________ Please send this completed form with your payment (cheque/Postal Order etc. made payable to: ‘Whitworth Historical Society’) to:- Whitworth Historical Society, North Street, Whitworth, Lancashire OL12 8RE. For any further enquiries please contact the Membership Secretary at the address below: memberships@whitworthhistoricalsociety.org.uk